Monday, April 23, 2012

Jotter Cards

For Valentines Day my husband got me a gift certificate to Susanne Roberts to buy stationary (such a sweetie). I was so excited! There is something about personal stationary that makes me feel grown up.  After two hours looking at books of stationary we finally picked out a set of family stationary and then I spotted these jotter cards and had to have them. They finally came and I am so excited to use them for to do list, tags for gifts, and just random notes.  And of course if you own jotter cards you must have a jotter card holder right? (Did not know there was such a thing 2 weeks ago)  I just ordered this Kate Spade one so I am carrying my jotter cards in style.
Kate Spade Jotter Card Holder (Lord&Taylor)
Now I just have to organize my diaper bag that my husband likes to call the black hole ( He says once you put something in it that it never comes out, which is sometimes true) so I can fit my new jotter cards! Sometimes it the little things that can make you happy :)

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