Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Quinoa Salad

Sorry some time has passed since my last post. Every week I had intentions on posting and then the week seemed to slip away and when I looked back I wonder what the heck I accomplished that week (I know there are some stay at home Moms out there that feel me right? ) Here is a little pic of what has been taking up my time. My 7 month old B has now learned to walk in his walker thing and I have a glimpse what a terror he is going to be :)

B trying to help with the laundry
Anyways, back to a very yummy summer quinoa salad recipe that I took from a friend. If  you don't know what quinoa is, its kinda like couscous but I think its better and it is loaded with tons of protein. You can find it in the rice aisle and its gluten and wheat free!
Summer Quinoa Salad

1 cup of traditional Quinoa (make sure you get the pre-washed, it will say on the box)
1/2 can of black beans
1/2 cup of peaches (I get the plastic cups on peaches you can put in kids lunches)
1/2 package of cherry tomatoes diced
1/2 avocado cubed
1/4 onion diced
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

1. Cook the quinoa according to the package
2. Add all the rest of the ingredients except the avocado. Just add a couple dashes of Olive Oil and a generous amount of salt and pepper. (If you don't put enough salt it won't taste right so make sure you check it)
3. let it come to room temperature.
4. Add avocado right before you serve and Enjoy!

This recipe is so easy and if you don't like some of the ingredients then just change them out with veggies and fruit you do enjoy. You could also make an Asian version with green beans, sprouts, edamame, sesame seeds and add meat if you want. Get the kids involved and they can use their imagination!

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