Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Favorite Blogs

Happy Monday!  I am loving that the weather is getting cooler and Fall is in full swing.  I spent the last week with family in town getting ready for B's 1st Birthday. I can't believe how fast the first year has gone!  Here is a pic from his 1st Birthday Costume party :)

Even though I am not good at posting often I am very good at reading other blogs!  I separate my blog reading into three categories: Interior Design Blogs, Christian Blogs, and Food Blogs so I thought it would be fun to post some of my favorites for yall.

Interior Design Blogs:

http://www.bungalowblueinteriors.com/ : She is my absolute favorite and her style is very similar to mine!
http://www.patinagreen.typepad.com/ : This is a local shop in Mckinney that is also an organic farm to table lunch shop that is too cute!
http://brookegiannetti.typepad.com/ : Velvet & Linen is the name of the blog and is also super cute, I wish I could buy so much stuff.
http://blog.houseoffifty.com/p/diy.html : This used to be called Isabella and Max Rooms and I think just changed names but she always posts great DIY stuff.
Lonnymag.com :  This isn't really a blog but my obsession online mag for interior design. Do you remember the magazine  Domino that is no more? This is by some of the same people who did that but in a better electronic format! They also have a blog in addition to the mag called http://blog.lonnymag.com/

Christian Blogs: I usually get these sent to my inbox and read them in my email.

JointheJourney.com - Daily devotional done by real people at our church
www.themobsociety.com - Since I have a boy I love this Mother of Boys blogs. It is always so true!
http://skyranchskymoms.blogspot.com - this a blog by a Christian camp in Texas and is a great resource for a family devotional and has some good easy recipes too!
www.incourage.me - this is a great Christian blog for encouraging women

Food Blogs:  
http://www.yumuniverse.com/ - This is all about how to have a plant based diet with yummy recipes I love!
http://themarathonmom.com/ - this is a super popular blog but she always has easy great recipes for a family.
http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/ - this a blog about how a mom went on a mission to cut all processed food out of her diet for 100 days. It has great tips and encouragement for healthy eating!

What are your favorite blogs? I would love to hear of some other great ones! Happy Reading!

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