Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DIY Outdoor Rug

We got some new outdoor furniture the other week so I was on a hunt for a new outdoor rug.  C and I were cleaning out our garage and I came across two Ikea outdoor rugs I bought years ago. I was about to throw them away but decided to do a quick search on Pinterest and saw that you can paint outdoor rugs with outdoor paint. I figured why not, and I actually am thrilled with the way they turned out! 

Here is the before (I started priming one of them before I took the pic, oops)

First I primed the rugs and then taped them in the design I wanted. I used masking tape and duck tape since painters tape can get a little epensive.
After taping I got semi-gloss outdoor paint from home depot and rolled it on! Depending on the rug, it might take two coats of paint. I then took off the tape while it was wet and let it dry. I went back and touched up with white outdoor paint where the tape was but you could always do another base color if you didn't want white. I plan on going back with a polyurethane, but here is the final product.

Considering I was about to throw these away I think they turned out great. I also love that I could put whatever design I wanted on them! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Family Love

Hope everyone is having a great summer! We spent 4th of July at the Jersey Shore with my family and had such a good time. It was a good time to sit back and just slow down and be so thankful for our little family we have created. Its easy to get wrapped up in the little stuff but at the end of the day no matter what happens we always have family to fall back on and that is true Happiness :)