My Juice Plus Story

After becoming a new Mom and deciding to stop my career to stay at home with my little man I never would have imagined that I would become a distributor of Juice Plus. Just like Juice Plus, my journey from being a skeptic, to a believer, to a distributor of Juice Plus came about naturally. My story isn’t a sales pitch, but instead a passion. And, now that I am starting a new chapter in my life as a new Mom, I also want to take the leap of faith and share my passion for health, and Juice Plus, with you.

My Skeptic Days: When I first heard about Juice Plus I was very skeptical (maybe like you are now).  I grew up an athlete playing soccer through college, a journey that made me very health conscious with my eating and fitness.  I always believed that the key to being healthy was eating right and exercising. I never believed in supplements. As I have grown older, I have gravitated to more organic products and food. I even decided to give birth naturally to my son without medicine (intense, but very rewarding!).  

I was introduced to Juice Plus when I was pregnant and looking to take a supplement that was all natural and composed of whole foods, not chemicals. As I said, I was skeptical, and having my good engineering background I am all about facts, not opinions.  I researched it before deciding to take it. To my surprise there are over 20 clinical studies on Juice Plus from great universities like Vanderbilt (my alma mater), Yale, University of Maryland and the list goes on. In these studies, the results confirmed the various benefits of Juice Plus. I learned it wasn't a vitamin, but instead Juice Plus is actual fruits and vegetables that are dehydrated and powdered. It is actually very similar to juicing (something I did believe in). So, once I got the facts my engineering brain was satisfied and I was more open to it. But, as a new mommy-to-be what finally convinced me was the health of my son. 

Becoming a Believer: I am not good at taking pills and could not keep down my prenatal vitamins while pregnant or breastfeeding.  I finally decided to take the Juice Plus gummies so that I could ensure my son would get the best nutrition he could (through me).  I didn't expect to see much difference, but after a month I kept getting compliments from my family about how good my skin looked.  This was shocking because acne has been a losing battle for me my whole life. I have been on Accutane three times in my life, as recently as 2 years ago (and I am not a teenager anymore). My hormone tests always came back good but even after the birth of my son I was still stressed about what I was going to do about with my skin.  After taking Juice Plus for only a month I cannot even tell you how much better my skin was. I rarely break out anymore, which is a complete 180 from what my daily struggle was before taking Juice Plus. In addition to feeling healthier, the unexpected side affect of clearer skin has lifted so much weight off me.  I have struggled with acne my whole life and the health of my skin is a reason I would take it alone! 

My new career as a Distributor: I did not decide to become a distributor overnight. Instead, I found myself raving about Juice Plus to people all the time. Only after I realized how much I was talking about it did I decide to become a distributor, since I believe it so much.  My passions are health and exercise for myself, but especially for kids. The more I learn about how imperative fruits and vegetables are to our health, whether we are kids, athletes, parents or older adults, the more I believe that Juice Plus (in addition to a plant based diet with exercise!) is the solution to staying healthy. Being a Juice Plus distributor is a chance to help other not only become healthier, but become educated on healthy living. I look forward to hearing similar health transformation stories of people that I work with, and sharing my new found passion.

Visit my website to hear videos from experts and see the studies done on Juice plus.
Click Here to read the story on how Juice Plus was started by Dr. Santillo trying to save his Dad from Cancer

Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more or have questions!



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