Tuesday, April 17, 2012

DIY Patio

My DIY Patio started after texting my extremely budget conscious sister two new planters I bought at Target for $75 each. I thought this was a good price however she instructed me to return them immediately and told me I could redo my whole patio for around the same price as the planters. She sent me a materials list and off I went.  [Disclaimer: I went slightly over budget but not much!]
The Plan: To stain the concrete on my back patio a blue/grey and to hang outdoor lights across the patio using flower planters to make a cozy outdoor dinning area.

The Materials List:
1 gallon of concrete stain
1 bottle of concrete etcher
1 etcher brush
1 stain pressure sprayer (paint section of Home Depot)
2 2X4
2 Box woods
2 to 3 boxes of outdoor lights (I got mine from Target)
1 package of hooks to hang lights
2 large planter boxes (I got mine at Ikea)
1 bag of concrete
Planting Soil
Seasonal Flowers

Take Action:
1. Set the 2x4s in two paint buckets by mixing the concrete in the bucket and placing the 2x4 in the concrete. Let dry overnight.
2. Stain the Concrete: This was by far the hardest part. When the paint guy at Home Depot told me I had to etch the concrete so the stain would take I was not too excited about it. In the end it wasn't hard, just time consuming. The etcher is a liquid that comes in a bottle and all you have to do it put it in the pressure sprayer and spray it on the wet concrete patio. This makes the concrete bubble up (if its not bubbling then its not working) and then you take the etching brush and brush the surface. wash off the concrete after you have brushed the whole surface. Once you wash off the concrete from the etcher apply the stain by placing the stain in the pressure bottle (after washing it out). Make sure to apply the stain when the concrete is damp. Spray the stain on in a circular motion and let dry for about 5 hours before you put planters on.
Tip: wear gloves and closed toe shoes because the etcher seemed like a chemical I didn't want on me. Also do it during the day. I started it at midnight after B went to sleep and the stain was still wet in the morning because there was no sun to dry it.
3. Build the Planter Boxes: This is the fun part! The number of planters you need will depend on how your patio is setup. Take the 2X4s in concrete and place them in the planter (if you want to stain the 2X4 do that now). Fill the planter with soil and plant the box woods and flowers you got. Place planters on patio to hang lights.

4. Hang lights: Take the hooks and put them at the top of 2x4s. Place the planters on patio so that you can place hooks on the house and create a zig zag of lights across the patio to the planters.
Tip: My electrical outlet is low to the ground so I bought a white extension cord to reach to my first hook and then started the lights. Also I suggest you buy more packages of lights than you think you need and return any you don't use. I thought they would be longer and had to go back for more.
5 Enjoy: Place dining table on patio and you have a cozy patio to eat at for your summer BBQs! Here is my final product!
I am constantly changing things and creating new projects around the house which drives my husband crazy :)  Here is my next project for the patio, Keep you updated!
                                                Shipping Crate Sectional (Pinterest)


  1. This is awesome, and I'll testify that it looks great in person! How much do you think the whole project costed you? I don't think I saw a price above, but maybe I missed it.

  2. I went home and told my husband about this after playgroup...I love this idea! What's even better is I now have instructions for him ;) Thanks, Lauren!!

  3. My budget was $150(the cost of the two target planters) and I ended up close to $200 because of the etching materials I was not planning on.
    Glad I could help, let me know if you have any questions! :)

  4. Love it...and the fact you added another living area to your house for the summer (for $200)! Any pics of it with lights on?!

  5. I agree that staining the patio can really test one’s patience, but I think it’s the secret to achieve the appearance that we wanted. You have a beautiful patio – all the hard work and a bit of over budget were all paid off. ;-) I’m glad that you enjoyed your DIY project; the crate sectional will surely be the highlight of your patio if you add it on the space strategically.

    Kylee Groves

  6. Your patio looks cozy! I’m sure you guys love spending your time outdoors there. It’s impressive how you did all this on your own too! I think you did a very fine job!

    Allison Shallenberger
