Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mr Clean Magic Eraser

Yes I am doing my first blog post on Mr Clean Magic Eraser because these things literally changed my life yesterday by increasing my Happiness in cleaning my Home! I was volunteering at a cooking ministry for newly married women last week when the host mentioned to the girls how much she is in love with these magic eraser sponges.  So much so that she introduced them to her sister in law and after giving her a nice necklace for Christmas, the sister in law responded that she could have given her a box of these and she would have been happy. So I knew I needed to get some.  I went to Sams and got a box of 10 for around $10 and went home to try them out.  My least favorite thing to clean is the bathtub and I am embarrassed to admit this but it probably hasn't been cleaned since B has been born since that isn't the highest priority when sleep deprived. I am usually scrubbing the tub out for at least 20 minutes with every product and it still doesn't feel clean to me so this would be the true test.  I was amazed when I cleaned my whole bathtub in about 5 mins and it was sparkling!  I then moved onto our bathroom floor which is white natural stone tile and was the worst renovation decision we made especially if you have kids or dogs (we have both) because it is porous and never looks clean. Again I was amazed how clean I got it in no time.  I moved onto our white granite sink and baseboards with the same result, as I said these things have changed my cleaning life. Every other cleaning product in my house is either Method or an all natural cleaning product but these will be a staple in my house from now on!

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