Sunday, April 15, 2012

Entering the Blog World!

Today I am officially entering the blog world!  Over the past 6 months I have gone from a pregnant career woman to a new stay at home Mom with a precious 5 month old son.  As you can imagine I have gone through body changes, life changes in my career along with mentally and physically trying to care for a newborn with little sleep.  Also through my passion of health and some random events I have become a distributor of a whole food nutrition supplement called Juice Plus which I am pretty passionate about and you will probably see in some of my post (you can see my whole  "Juice Plus Story" on my blog to the right).  When thinking about starting a blog I decided to write about the three things I enjoy: Health, Happiness, and Home design. I am excited to share my adventures in motherhood which I would consider in the Happiness category most of the time as well as insights, random thoughts and inspiration on Health and Home Design!

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